Sunday, January 18, 2009

Euro partners promoting Titan poker has cheated us by $5000.

Euro partners promoting Titan poker has cheated us by $5000.

As we understood Titan Poker is promoted by Euro partners which in turns hire another agency,thenationtraffic, based in Israel to do all the dirty work so that if something goes wrong Euro partners would go scott free by blaming thenationtraffic.

Same old story of being hidden behind curtain while letting others do the dirty work and come out clean all the time. Nice business model.

We started promoting Titan Poker in June 2008. It was thenationtraffic, on behalf of Euro partners, which contacted us. They offered us a very tempting CPA and a lot of promise blah blah...

It is no wonder why Titan Poker is one of the favorite among webmasters and you can see Titan Poker banners plastered all over the Internet on Poker Affiliate websites. They are good in hooking up innocent webmasters with false promises.

Offer was irresistible and so we started promoting Titan Poker with full steam. We invested a lot in infrastructure, man power and did everything to promote them, we get them to Google Top 10 and promoted them on our 50-100 poker, sports websites and blogs.

This guy from thenationtraffic was strange. He asked us to use all black hat SEO techniques to push Titan Poker on Google which we refused. He never gave up in insisting on adopting black hat techniques and always came up with new innovative (devilish) ways of getting traffic. We never listened to him and insisted on clean SEO activities.

Within one month of starting promotion we started to get very good result. The first 2 months were smooth and we got payment though not on time but with some acceptable delay.

Things went sour in the 3rd month and onwards. With our massive effort we sent them a lot of new poker players and they got overwhelmed and started to make excuses for delay in payment.

First they delayed in response and said that it was holiday so they couldn't pay and that they would pay within next week they never did.

When we digg down further they started to make lame excuses of one kind or anther.

First they said that new poker player didn't play immediately as soon as they registered and it is something which is unusual and so they would wait and watch those new players and they would pay later.

Next excuse was that new poker player were more interested in Bonuses and they would not play after getting bonuses.

This was most absurd talk. They even don't know their own rules. If a player gets bonus he can't withdraw money immediately but he has to collect points (in 4 figures) before he would be eligible to withdraw fund so how could a new player withdraw fund as soon as he got the bonus?

This was not the end of the story, they made many more excuses which they invented on their own just to avoid payment.

Since August till date they have not paid a single penny and owe us $5000.

We have send them many e-mails but no reply. The guy from thenationtraffic doesn't reply anymore.

E-mail sent to support at reupholsters were never answered.

In last month people from Euro partners contacted us to promote Titan Poker (sic). When we informed them the above story they again went silent.

Then after few days we got e-mail from Euro partners asking if we would promote Titan Poker again if they pay the due amount. At the end at least they accepted that they owe us five grand but again they didn't pay.

To sum up we have invested about 500 man hours of time and not to mention investment in the Internet Infrastructure etc which when combined together would make a hole of about 50 grand in total.

Had they been in UK we would have sued them and would have recovered money easily but being hidden in some remote corner of the third world we are helpless. Or at least we don't have more time, resources and money to get them by involving lawyers which is not so easy task.

We are not going to sit silent and let them walk away with our hard earned money, we will get them eventually.

For the other webmasters promoting Titan Poker and being affiliated with Euro Partner and Thenationtraffic nexus we would put a word of caution and would advise them to watch these guys carefully.

Or better dump them. Don't get carried away by false promises.

If you have also been cheated by Euro Partners then don't forget to discuss them on following forums

1 comment:

  1. Yeah well its no news lol. Guys at EuroPartners are some greedy bastards!

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